Le fitness pour tous avec approche scientifique
My Story
Being a journalist is a privilege, to inform is a passion for me. When I write articles, to respect the reader is my priority. My sources are reliable, my work ethic a must.
I want the readers to make up their own mind with reliable information on any given subject.
This is what you will find in my articles. I want to reach the reader with reliable, useful news.
On this site you will find many of my past remunerated articles, as well as my new ones.
I love to interview people, to give a voice, and to learn about subjects that matter to me.
Education is key, and when you are informed, you have more power. If after reading one of my articles, your perceptions are the slightest changed, your brain cells start working overtime, and you want to know more, then I will know I did something good!
For many years I have been a passionate follower of body building, fitness and nutrition. I have completed my studies leading to a certification (level I and II) in personal training with C.O.R.F.I.T., thaught by Glen himself.
I truly believe that we have more power than we think when it comes to leading a healthy life, and I hope the articles on this site will inspire you to take care of yourself with all the love you deserve!
So don’t be afraid, get informed, get inspired, and live!
Born and raised in Milano, Italy, I faced different cultures at an early age, growing up between Italy and France. I arrived with my family in Canada at the age of 16. After a Bachelor in journalism, and a high school diploma in literature, I worked as a journalist as well as in media relations. Fluent in 3 languages and with basic German, I have an interest for communications, for writing in all its aspects, and I am interested by all challenges our intercultural society brings.
Thank you note
Many thanks to my family, those who are gone but are never forgotten, and those still in my life, I wouldn’t be who I am if it wasn’t for you.
Mister P. for saving me, many times over.
Thank you Glen, for being such a source of motivation, for being so patient, and for believing in me even when I wasn’t. Your friendship is like no other, two kindred spirits indeed…
Thank you Neenee, my first real encounter with a true passionate real body builder, from back when it was all so magical and positive.
To Robi for believing and having the discipline even when I didn’t have it. What you did is one of the reasons I am motivated to pay it forward and proove that you shouldn’t give up only because you are told to.
To my true friends, who thru the years have believed in me and my passions more often than I have.For fueling my dreams when I run on empty.
Thank you to all those quiet souls that have touched me and inspired me, sometimes without knowing it. Seeing your passion and happiness drives me to want that for myself.